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Life-cycle center (LCC)

Delegate your airworthiness responsibility to keep your systems in operation. We take full system overall responsibility (OSTR).

We ensure a broad variety of compentencies through our Life-cycle center (LCC):

  • Ensure the weapon system integrity
  • Execution of intermediate and depot level maintenance work for the complete weapon system
  • Development, substantiation and implementation of changes
  • Configuration management
  • Provide a forward looking integrated logistic support
  • Provide technical expertise in support of the operator

Graphic of our Life-cycle center concept - providing continuing airworthiness and support your fleet operation with optimized services

Life-Cicle Management Vorteile

Our engineering competencies and capabilities enable us to take over your systems technical resposibility with the following main tasks:

Engineering - Subsystems

System integrity and safety

  • In-service monitoring (incl. notification assessment & reliability management e.g. F/A-18 > 6000 FH, > 3’500 technical bulletins p.a.)
  • System safety management (hazard identification
    and risk assessment)
  • Life-cycle planning
  • MMEL management
  • Update technical libraries and databases
  • Integrated logistics management and obsolescence management

Maintenance Support

  • Aircraft maintenance program management (AMP)
  • Effectiveness of the AMP
  • Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
  • Defect rectification & maintenance engineering
  • Troubleshooting, technical expertise
Systementwicklung und Änderungsmanagement

System development and change management

  • Leads the modification process (> 600 projects)
  • Requirements engineering
  • Architecture design/development
  • Configuration management and status accounting
  • Supports in the validation of certifications or approvals
Integration System

Bereitstellung von technischem Know-how zur Unterstützung

  • Assessment of mission profile changes effect on airframe fatigue life
  • In-depth, root cause analysis of (repetitive) system errors
  • Forecast of A/C handling qualities in new mission elements
  • Contribution to incidence investigation


Flyer RUAG as a material competence center pdf



Andreas Baumann

Business Unit Head Life Cycle Management

+41 58 467 09 27 (Tel.)

+41 79 540 12 81 (Mobile)

Eichistrasse 1
6055 Alpnach