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Customized support for air systems

Modern air forces and security organizations have high demands on the availability and performance of the systems deployed - only then can missions be carried out successfully. In its role as a technology partner, RUAG maintains and repairs aircraft and helicopters, while also guaranteeing comprehensive support throughout the entire life cycle.

Threats are constantly changing and becoming increasingly complex. The fulfillment of the security mission is becoming more demanding and the challenges for armed forces are increasing. In air force systems, reliability and maximum operational readiness are the key to success. As a future-oriented technology partner, we guarantee the availability and performance of aircraft and helicopters for the longest possible period of operation. Our core expertise includes repairs and maintenance work as well as modernizations and upgrades.

Our competencies - your advantages


Comprehensive know-how

The know-how of our highly specialized engineers, technicians, mechanics and test pilots forms the basis of our high-quality service portfolio.

Highest efficiency

Our customers benefit from short turnaround times, maximum availability and an above-average service life for their air systems.
Bewertung gut

Independent and tailor-made

As an independent center of excellence, RUAG provides objective consultancy services and offers suitable, tailor-made solutions.
IH Cugar


RUAG is an independent center of excellence for maintenance, repair and overhaul, ensuring optimum availability and sustainable operational readiness of aircraft and helicopters. Our customers benefit from individual support and scheduling, short turnaround times and thus the highest possible availability of their air systems.

Cockpit and system upgrades

Emergency forces can only successfully carry out their demanding missions with modern equipped air system. With tailor-made upgrades we increase the performance of air systems and ensure the longest possible service life.

Aircraft & Subsystems

To meet their security obligations, armed forces rely on high-performance air defense systems that provide outstanding availability at all times. In its role as a technology partner, RUAG maintains and repairs planes and helicopters, while also guaranteeing comprehensive support throughout the entire life cycle.


Self-protection systems can be essential for survival during military and civilian missions. For decades, air forces all over the world have been putting their trust in the reliability and effectiveness of RUAG's self-protection solutions.
RUAG Missim

missim - innovative "all-in-one" test system for self-protection systems: portable, cross-spectrum simulation of EW threat scenarios enables a safe mission

Easily and quickly verify the functionality of your self-protection system by stimulating the sensors with our compact multispectral threat simulator. missim provides you with reliable "go/no-go" results before every flight.

Maintenance Check Flights

The experienced specialists in our licensed center of excellence guarantee that maintenance check flights and training sessions will be impartial and qualified. As a part 21J EASA design organization with our own flight testing operation, we meet all the requirements set out by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency.


Landgraf-Karl-Str. 1
34131 Kassel, Deutschland