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TPH900 Fist mic HMX-V900 K&J

TPH900 Fist mic HMX-V900 from
K&J Schmittschneider with various functions

Shop Handmonofon TPH900 TPH900 Fist mic HMX-V900 K&J

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Item No. 2574.5226

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TPH900 Handmonphone HMX-V900 K&J
TPH900 Handmonphone HMX-V900 K&J
TPH900 Handmonphone HMX-V900 K&J

Product details




Product description

Supplier + reference: K&J Schmittschneider HMX-V9E
Fist mic HMX-V9 for TPH900
MEMS Microphone speaker with 5 programmable buttons
16-way rotary switch
GPS, motion module & accelerometer
WS + RGB LED / reading light
Loudspeaker mute function
Jack socket 3.5 mm, TPH900 connector, 
Voice announcement for operating function

Product features

End of sales >2025