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RUAG Real Estate grants building rights in the Canton of Uri

Bern, June 3 – RUAG Real Estate AG has granted building rights for two plots of land in the Canton of Uri. With these leasehold agreements, the subsidiary of RUAG MRO Holding AG is pursuing its real estate sub-strategy and further committing itself to Uri as a location.

The first plot is located at the edge of the Altdorf Industrial Park, in the municipality of Schattdorf. It spans an area of around 8,000 m2 and is located just outside the security perimeter of the industrial park. The second plot, with an area spanning around 4,500 m2, is in the publicly accessible part of the Neuland Business Park, at the future west-east connection (West-Ost-Verbindungsstrasse, WOV) in the municipality of Bürglen. In the Neuland Business Park, RUAG Real Estate AG is also planning to make improvements with regard to internal circulation during the course of the realization of the WOV.

Under a leasehold arrangement (referred to in Switzerland using the term ‘Baurecht’ - literally ‘building right’), the landowner - the so-called freeholder - grants the recipient the right to build on their land for a certain period of time. In so doing, the freeholder remains the owner of the plot of land but is not permitted to make use of the land during the term of the agreement. The recipient of the building rights pays land lease interest in return for the right to build on and make use of the land.

For several years, RUAG Real Estate AG has been pursuing a sustainable and resource efficient strategy (in terms of land use planning). With the granting of building rights for both plots, the company is affirming its commitment to the promotion of the location and establishing attractive business conditions, thus ensuring long-term prosperity.

Further information on RUAG can be requested from Kirsten Hammerich, Senior Media Relations Manager, / +41 79 770 81 18.